
Intuitive Online Estimator

Shutterly Fabulous
Tech stack
Online Estimator, 3rd party integration
Intuitive Online Estimator


Shutterly Fabulous wanted to enhance its online user experience by providing customers with an instant price estimation tool. They also aimed to stand out in the market by allowing customers to see how their prices compared with competitors’ in real-time.

Employing the reactive capabilities of VueJS, Ascend designed and implemented a dynamic online price estimator tailored for their website. As customers inputted their desired specifications, the tool instantly calculated the associated price. VueJS’s data-binding capabilities ensured that the displayed price updated seamlessly with each change made by the user without the need for the page to refresh.

A part of the brief was to include a competitive benchmarking feature. Leveraging an underlying database of competitors’ pricing models and the latest market research, the estimator provided users with a real-time comparison of Shutterly Fabulous’ price against those of major competitors for the same specifications. The tool was intuitive and user-friendly, with sliders, drop-downs, and interactive elements ensuring a smooth user experience.

The VueJS-powered estimator proved to be a game-changer. Customers appreciated the transparency, whilst Shutterly Fabulous benefited from more informed leads being submitted via the website. By providing instant value and transparency to the customer, the shutter company not only elevated its digital user experience but also solidified its reputation as a market leader committed to customer empowerment and transparency.

What we did

  • Tailwind
  • CMS
  • Plugin
  • HTML5
  • VueJS
  • CSS3
leads generated
leads with estimator data
advanced completions
combinations in 3 clicks

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